All Types of Braces and Their Prices in Malaysia: A Complete Guide

In this article, we will explore the various types of braces available and provide details regarding their costs in Malaysia. By the end of the article, you will have all the essential information required to make informed decisions regarding orthodontic braces price in Malaysia. This will help you if you are thinking about getting braces or just want to know more about your options.

Let’s explore the following topics:

1. All Types of Braces: Pros, Cons and Cost
• Metal Braces
• Ceramic Braces
• Lingual Braces
• Invisible Braces

2. Factor Determining the Cost of Braces

Find out more below.

Metal Braces: Pros, Cons and Price

Metal braces are well known for its use to fix dental conditions such as overbite, underbite, crowded teeth and many other teeth bite problems. Since they are widely available, people tend to opt for metal braces to address their dental issues.

Pros of Metal Braces


Metal braces are often the most cost-effective option when compared to alternative options such as ceramic braces or clear aligners. This makes them a good option for individuals who are budget-conscious.


Metal braces are well-known for their durability and longevity. They are capable of withstanding the effects of daily use, making them suitable for people who engage in activities that may put stress on their teeth.

Effective for Severe Cases

Metal braces are highly effective for correcting a wide range of teeth misalignments, including severe cases. Their robust design allows for precise and controlled movement of the teeth, even in complex situations.

Cons of Metal Braces


Traditional metal braces are clearly visible on the teeth due to the use of metal brackets and wires, impacting overall aesthetics during treatment.

Longer Treatment Time

Compared to some other options like clear aligners, metal braces may require slightly longer treatment times to achieve desired results.

Maintenance Challenges

Maintaining proper oral hygiene with metal braces requires extra effort due to the presence of brackets and wires.


If you're considering metal braces, you can expect a price range of approximately RM6,000 to RM10,000. It's important to note that your final bill might vary based on the specific needs of your teeth.

Ceramic Braces: Pros, Cons and Price

If you're seeking a more inconspicuous alternative to traditional metal braces, ceramic braces could be an excellent choice. Let's explore their advantages and disadvantages to determine if they align with your expectations.

Pros of Ceramic Braces

Discreet Appearance

Ceramic braces are designed to fit in with your natural tooth colour, making them significantly less noticeable than metal braces.


Ceramic braces typically cause less irritation to the gums and cheeks, contributing to a more comfortable orthodontic experience.

Treatment Versatility

Ceramic braces are suitable for correcting various orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing, misaligned bites, and jaw discrepancies.

Cons of Ceramic Braces


Ceramic braces are not as strong as metal braces and are more likely to break. This is especially true if you eat hard foods or have habits such as biting your nails.

Stain Vulnerability

Ceramic braces are prone to staining from food and drinks. This is because the brackets are permeable and can absorb stains. You will need to be careful about what you eat and drink.


The brackets of ceramic braces are typically larger than metal brackets, which can take up slightly more space in your mouth. This may require some adjustments to your speech and eating habits.


When weighing orthodontic choices, it's important to consider the expense of the different types of braces. For ceramic braces’ cost, they are typically between RM7,000 and RM11,000 in Malaysia.

Lingual Braces: Pros, Cons and Price

Lingual braces are the ones hidden behind your teeth, making them almost invisible when used to correct teeth bite problems.

Pros of Lingual Braces


The biggest advantage of lingual braces is their invisibility. This makes them a popular choice for people who are self-conscious about their smile or who have professional obligations that require them to maintain a certain image.

Comprehensive Treatment

Despite their hidden nature, lingual braces are still highly effective in addressing a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing, and bite problems.

No Risk of Decalcification on Front Teeth

Since lingual braces are on the back of the teeth, there is no risk of decalcification (white spots) on the front surface, which can be a concern with traditional or ceramic braces.

Cons of Lingual Braces

Adjustment Discomfort

Expect initial soreness and tongue irritation as your mouth adjusts to the unfamiliar presence of the braces. This can cause discomfort when eating, speaking, and simply going about your daily routine.

Oral Hygiene Challenge

Keeping your teeth clean becomes significantly more difficult with lingual braces. Food particles and plaque can easily get trapped behind the wires.

Premium Pricing

Compared to traditional braces, the cost of lingual braces is significantly higher. This reflects the specialised expertise required for their placement and customization.


It is crucial to note that the cost of lingual braces is slightly higher in Malaysia, ranging from RM8,000 to RM18,000 due to the specialised skills of orthodontic professionals engaged in their application.

Invisible Braces: Pros, Cons and Price

Then, how about invisible braces (or clear aligners)? They are custom made, removable trays that are used to straighten your teeth.

Pros of Invisible Braces

Aesthetic Appeal

Due to the transparent nature of invisible braces, composed of clear-coloured trays, they remain inconspicuous throughout your treatment, making them less noticeable to others.

Removable Design

Due to their easy removal, you can eat, drink, and brush your teeth with much greater convenience compared to other types of braces.

Personalised Treatment

They are also specifically designed for each patient’s teeth condition. This ensures a precise and personalised treatment plan, guaranteeing optimal results tailored to your individual needs.

Cons of Invisible Braces

Suitability Limitations

While effective for many cases, clear aligners (invisible braces) may not be suitable for everyone. They have limited efficacy in severe cases and may not be able to address complex orthodontic issues.

Adherence to Commitment

Achieving successful results with aligners requires strict adherence to the prescribed wear time. This involves wearing them for 20-22 hours per day.

Potential for Loss or Damage

As the clear aligners are removable, there's a higher risk of losing or damaging them. Replacements can be costly and delay treatment progress.


The price for clear aligners (invisible braces) can start from RM5,000, reaching a maximum of RM12,000 in Malaysia. However, these figures represent a broad range influenced by a lot of factors. Reach out to your orthodontist for a more accurate estimation.

Metal Braces

RM6,000 to RM10,000

Ceramic Braces

RM7,000 to RM11,000

Self Ligating Braces

RM7,000 to RM12,000

Lingual Braces

RM8,000 to RM12,000


RM15,000 - RM20,000

Other Clear Aligners Providers

RM5,000 - RM20,000

Factors Determining the Cost of Braces

These braces rates should provide you with an idea of what to expect when you're contemplating braces in Malaysia. But it's always a good idea to speak with your orthodontist to get a more precise idea of what your particular treatment will involve and how much it will cost.

Discussing the dental braces cost in Malaysia can be complex, as it requires an initial consultation with your orthodontist. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to express your concerns and make decisions that will impact the overall cost of your braces. Let's explore the factors that contribute to determining the costs of your braces.

Severity of treatment

The braces price in Malaysia is also influenced by its complexity. The cost of treating severe cases is typically higher than that of less complex cases since they call for longer treatment durations and more frequent changes. Based on the degree of your orthodontic correction, your orthodontist will evaluate your specific needs and provide an approximate treatment length.

Additional services

Additional services, such as retainers, X-rays, and other diagnostic tools, can add to the overall cost. Retainers are typically required after treatment to maintain the alignment of your teeth. X-rays and other diagnostic tools are used to assess your orthodontic needs and develop a treatment plan.

In-house clinic or third-party suppliers

The pricing of braces can also be affected by whether the orthodontist operates from their own clinic or procures materials through a third-party supplier. Having an in-house clinic allows the orthodontist to eliminate the costs associated with middlemen, such as distributors and wholesalers. This can result in lower overall costs for patients.

Doctor or beauty aesthetic practitioner

Orthodontists, specialised dentists with extensive training in treating dental irregularities, typically charge higher fees than beauty aesthetic practitioners with less expertise. However, cost should not be the sole deciding factor. Choosing to get cheap braces from someone with less expertise might affect your teeth. Make sure to choose a provider based on their qualifications and experience in treating your specific needs.

Now that you've been informed about the cost of dental braces in Malaysia, along with their pros and cons, the decision is yours to make. While braces undoubtedly contribute to a more visually pleasing smile, their advantages extend beyond aesthetics.

Braces represent a significant investment in your overall well-being, providing long-term benefits for comfort, self-esteem, and oral health. Take the first step in this life-changing journey by getting a free smile consultation with us! Explore the full potential of a confident, healthy smile.

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